What’s your business and role in the business?
High Health Club is a Wellness Club consisting of an Online Wellness Store, focused on products that support busy Modern Lives and Health and Wellness Coaching.
I am a Health Coach, specialising in Gut Health and Food Psychology, as well as a Breathwork and Meditation Teacher. We offer a well-rounded approach to health and well-being. I split my time between running the business and supporting my clients.
What led you to start your own business in health?
I'm a problem solver by nature, and from running a corporate wellbeing program for a large corporate, I really wanted to solve the issue of how to help time-poor humans support their health and well-being quickly and efficiently, so I retrained over Melbourne's lock down and added Breathwork and Meditation to my qualifications, as if you understand the power of breathwork and how to look after your gut, your whole health will be impacted. I also wanted to extend the offering outside of Corporate, so decided to launch High Health Club to support the needs of a broader range of people.
How daunting was it starting your own business?
It was really that old adage of the pain of staying the same, outweighing the pain of change, so whilst I was slightly terrified, I felt like I was pushed to make a change.
What have you found most rewarding about your business?
Working for myself, making my own decisions and not having to run decisions through the corporate committee. I've also loved connecting with other incredible business owners, that I wouldn't have met otherwise.
How do you balance the juggle of family life, work and living?
I'll be honest, at times I struggle, however as a Wellness Coach, it's important to me to have integrity and walk my talk, it has meant in some ways a slower build for High Health Club and learning the art of patience, however, I have compromised health for striving in the past and at the end of the day, it's just not worth it. I also have an extremely encouraging and supportive husband.
Why do you stock ROCC?
I wholeheartedly believe in supporting brands that are leading the way in sustainability, as our health of us and that of the planet is inextricably linked. I admire the determination and integrity of ROCC, I'm also a big advocate for elevating the things we do each and every day and couldn't think of a better way to start my day than with pink toothpaste!
What other brands do you stock?
I tend to stock one brand per category to save confusion around choosing and give each brand my full support without competition. We stock The Gut Co, One Eleven, Living Skin, Orchard Street, Land Essentials, Shemana, Loco Love, The Daily Bar and a few other brands with more coming on board in 2023.
If you have a daily mantra/motivation, what is it?
This is tricky; if I think about what I tell my daughter, it's to do your best always, be kind and try to love your body inside and out.
What is your non-negotiable when it comes to achieving desired health/wellness?
I have many but really my non-negotiables are to live by our fundamentals, eat, drink, move, breathe, sleep, keep it simple and focus on these daily.
What’s your tip for improving health and wellness in 2023?
To make supporting your health non-negotiable and to focus on balance over perfection. You will not eat well at every meal, you will not exercise as much as you like every day and you will get stressed, the key is to ensure you do the simple things as best you can, every day without the self-recrimination. I always come back to this quote, 'if you have your health you have many goals and aspirations, if you don't have your health, you only have one'.
What’s on the horizon for you and your business in 2023?
A membership hub to make accessing a broad range of health supporting modalities easy, welcoming and fun. I think the health space can be very polarising and sometimes create a ‘you can’t sit with us’ view of the world. I remember the first time I went to a yoga class solo and how intimidating this was and I was very into wellness at the time, I would love to create a space where everyone feels comfortable to try and see what works for them, with the understanding that we are all individuals and what works for me, may not work for you.
In Conversation: Trish Devereux Back to blog